Lexus Easy PCP allows you to drive the Lexus you desire for a fixed, low monthly repayment for the duration of your agreement thanks to the Guaranteed Minimum Future Value (GMFV). The flexible nature of Lexus Easy PCP ensures that you are in control at all times. There’s no deposit required therefore there’s no need for a large initial outlay.
Then at the end of your agreement you have three options offering you the flexibility to upgrade and enjoy all the benefits of driving a brand new Lexus, more often. Lexus Easy also offers added peace of mind knowing that the value of your Lexus is guaranteed by Lexus Financial Services should trade in values fall.
To make it as easy as possible for you to explore our range, we've introduced some new virtual tools. They'll help you to research and buy your new Lexus as seamlessly as possible, without leaving the comfort of your home. Here's just some of the things you can now do completely online.